Speech by Jan van Zanen at the meeting in honour of Kosovo Independence Day, 17 February 2025
Ambassador Doli,
Dear friends,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say a few words to you.
Kosovo declared itself independent 17 years ago.
Something that we are marking today together.
At the same time it provides a good moment to ask ourselves: what does independence mean?
Independence is something not only for nations and peoples, but for individuals too.
Sooner or later, for example, we become independent of our parents.
And conversely, for every parent the day comes when it is time to let their children go, let them be independent.
But, independence does not mean breaking off all contact.
As independent individuals we cannot manage without the people around us: family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.
Independent states also do not operate in a vacuum: they maintain lateral and multilateral contacts with each other.
The Hague, traditionally a centre of diplomacy, is happy to facilitate those contacts.
By offering space at the Embassy Festival, for example, which takes place every year on Lange Voorhout.
At that same spot and in the atrium of City Hall last year, there was an impressive exhibition: Thinking of You.
Organised by the Kosovo Embassy, together with the Mukwege Foundation and The Hague city council.
At both sites washing lines full of dresses were hung out.
Dresses donated by survivors of sexual violence in conflicts, and their supporters.
We all remember this ground-breaking public art installation by the world famous artist Alketa Xhafa Mripa.
Who was born and raised in Kosovo.
She created a powerful tribute to the survivors of sexual violence in conflicts worldwide.
The Hague is happy to provide a platform for that.
In the same way as we give a voice to everyone who stands up for human rights.
We admire this initiative by the Kosovo Embassy.
I hope that many more will follow.
Know that you can always count on us in the struggle for peace and justice.
And my congratulations to you on this Independence Day.